I'll start with the end once again. I had my first mandatory deep tissue/athletic massage today. New and interesting levels of pain. I am now in the midst of drinking 135 ozs of fluid to flush the bad juju out from the massage releasing garbage from deep within my muscles. Its been a decent week of workouts and this weekend has 6 hours of riding and 14 miles of running in store for me. I was very encouraged watching two videos this week. One was of my teammate Vic whose daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes last week and the other was a video of one of my younger teammates, Sarah, in Minnesota who is about the age of our oldest kid. She is the one who said that I had to get a monthly massage.
Vic Kinnunen - Triabetes Captain from Atlanta
Sarah Hankel - Triabetes Captain
My Triabuddy, Zyler, is doing great with his blood sugars and has beat me overall the last couple of days as we compare our highs and lows for the day.
Without going into too much detail, I had a very stressful day yesterday into the morning which finished with some honestly that released all of the stress. I can not express deeply enough how much that I love my good friends. They stepped in and really let me talk and release. One friend actually contacted me out of no where and asked what was going on. He said that he couldn't get me off his mind and that he was praying for me. You will never convince me that God's still small voice is powerful and is there for people who are listening. I spent quite awhile last night literally on my face in prayer for loved ones and strength for me to get through it. Again, it ended well but God is reminding me that he is in control and I need to stay in contact.
Different topic, but I am really happy with the contingent of people that will be coming to Ironman St George to cheer/jeer me on. The list is currently me, Pam, Megan Michelle, Mark, Steve, Joel (maybe), Anita, Ken, Ernie, Debby, Mike, Heidi, Ashlee, Jeannie, Melissa, Zyler, Terra & Michael with maybe's from Ben, Erica, Erica, Gerry, Grayson, Igor, Joanna, Kevin, Mark, Melanie, Morgan, Nathan, and Sally. I am going for broke and hoping for 100 people to come and watch me suffer and get extremely motivated by the courageous efforts of my teammates as we push through barriers that we have never experienced before. You can Beat the Betes and we are going to rock the house.
Thanks and I hope to blog a little sooner next time
Brian Phelps
woot! Can't wait.
That's quite a list of supporters, Brian! Awesome! I wish I had a massage...sounds awesome. Also, I completely agree with you. God is real, and He knows us and our needs, and His still small voice does prompt us and others around us when needed. Keep up the great work!
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