I had to ride for 3 hrs today and was very appreciative of my new bike seat which is a men's seat. I found out the the other seat that I purchased was a women's seat and it really made a BIG difference.
Still no plantar faciatus after the customer orthodics so my running is feeling good also.
Got a shock today to find out that one of my classmates from high school is pregnant (I'm 46). That was exciting and very scary.
I had a great day ice fishing yesterday with a new friend, Russell, who caught two CO Master Angler award fish.
I am really having fun with Zyler. He beat me for the first time today with BG levels. His high was 139 and his low was 88 - basically a perfect day.
Here are Russell's Master Angler Fish from his first day ice fishing:
Brian Phelps
So I have to ask, where did you guys go ice-fishing? I'm visiting my parents in a few weeks who live outside Denver (Kiowa) and would love to surprise take him ice fishing, but don't know anywhere to go around there...
Hey Volock, we have been fishing in the South Park area of Colorado that is where Highway 285 goes into the mountains and includes the town of Fairplay. We primarily fish Antero and also a little bit at Elevenmile.
Thanks. I'm planning on dragging my Dad out to ice fish when I go up there... I know it doesn't count towards triathlon training, but it's still good fun. Another question for you, what do you do about the insulin pump and the swim? Or are you on a waterproof / omnipod?
Volock, Let me know when you get to town. If the schedules work out, maybe I could get you and your Dad to go fishing with us. On the pump/swimming question, I am definitely waterproof because I am still a shooter. I think that I am the last holdout in the Type 1 community. I still do not see the need for a pump for me. Others that I know just disconnect during their swims and adjust bolus and basal accordingly depending on the type and duration of workout.
Volock, Where are you coming in from? Also, Kiowa is just East of our church on Quincy Ave. I have enjoyed the Kiowa Creek gun club many times. Again, let me know when you plan on arriving in town.
I live down in Albuquerque, still in school at UNM. I'm coming up the 28th and will be there through the the first few days of January. If it works out I'd love to meet up, even for coffee or something. My email's volock@gmail.com feel free to email me there, and I can give you some better contact things if you're interested in meeting up. I love my insulin pump and CGM and can't see giving it up. As for my parents they're just outside Kiowa down County Road 45 a little bit
Cool, I will definitely made the time to meet you for coffee or fishing.
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